Matti Hämäläinen

NatMEG staff

Matti Hämäläinen

Visitng Professor


Research interests

I am physicist by training and received my doctoral degree from Helsinki University of Technology (HUT) in 1989. Until 2001 I worked at the Low Temperature Laboratory of HUT and studied modeling and signal analysis methods for magnetoencephalography (MEG) and implemented a lot of the software. I was also a member of the core team developing multichannel MEG systems, made commercially available by Neuromag Ltd. In 2001 I moved to the Martinos Center at Massachusetts General Hospital / Harvard Medical School where I lead the development of multimodal imaging methods to employ MEG/EEG in conjunction with other non-invasive imaging techniques. I had the main responsibility of the development of MEG/EEG analysis tools (the MNE software), which employs structural and functional MRI information provided by FreeSurfer and other software packages as additional constraints. I work in close collaboration with neuroscientists and clinicians to conduct MEG/EEG experiments in both healthy and diseased populations.


At NatMEG I am involved with several research projects to design the experiments and help to develop the most appropriate analysis approaches. In addition, I am involved with testing next-generation High-Tc MEG devices in phantom and human experiments. Furthermore, I participate actively in the training activities of NatMEG and give lectures at KI on my own research at MGH and basics of MEG.


Find me on ResearchGate here.